Viper Geckos, Thick-Toed Banded Geckos and Vazimba Geckos
Captive bred Viper Geckos (Hemidactylus imbricatus), SOLD OUT. Featuring German bloodline know as the largest version of this gecko. 2024s are here! Updated 10-08-24. Also Thick-Toed Banded Geckos (Pachydactylus fasciatus), SOLD OUT. Also one male Paroedura vazimba "Little Ghost Geckos" from Madagascar, RARE!
Thick-Toed Banded Gecko (Pachydactylus fasciatus)
Captive bred Thick-Toed Banded Geckos (Pachydactylus fasciatus). Really cool little micro gecko from Namibia! 2024s are here! Updated 9-27-24. Several unsexed available!
Vazimba Geckos
Captive bred Vazimba Geckos (Paroedura vazimba). Really cool little micro gecko from Madagascar! Updated 9-27-24. One Male available!